Posted 23rd October 2015

Let’s take security seriously


We know security matters to us and our families. We know it’s one of the principal concerns for homeowners.

Yet the industry has fooled itself into believing that the doors it sells are secure. We stick ‘security’ badges on them to convince homeowners. But they’re not secure, and real life keeps getting in the way of this fiction. For 10 years a lock snapping epidemic has been spreading across the UK, and until people in the industry are burgled themselves we turn a blind eye and continue to use cheap components and products that are not fit for purpose instead of selling the real thing.

The introduction of Approved Document Q on 1st October with a more demanding PAS24 test has helped to expose the fiction that composite doors are the pinnacle of security.

Some are highly secure, but most are not. Brisant showed that, unlike our Ultion lock, most cylinder locks including TS007 3 star locks can be cracked in as little as 20 seconds. Solidor revealed in its video that most door slabs can be cut through in seconds. Then RegaLead blew the whistle on glass.

Surely it’s time the industry got real? People are not interested in tick-box lab tests. They want real, I mean real life security. They want to know their home is really secure. They don’t want to wake up one morning to find their front door open and their valuables gone, driven away in the car they parked on the drive.

Let’s take Document Q and the new PAS24 as a wake-up call to do the right thing. Let’s sell what we promise. Yes, it will cost a little more. But we know that’s right for consumers and right for the industry. People want security. Let’s give it to them.